

Underwater pumpkin contest provides a "chilling" experience in time for Halloween

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Nothing says fall like a few carved pumpkins and a few soaking wet scuba divers.

Yes, you read that right. Scuba Divers.

Scuba divers gathered at Idaho River Sports for a pumpkin carving contest, but the catch? The contest would be held underwater: in the 57-degree waters of Quinn's pond to be exact.

One diver says he enjoys the way annual event brings Idaho's diving community together, but the carving is NOT a piece of cake.

"In a place like this we do have a little bit of low visibility, so that can make things difficult. People can get cold, so you know even the dexterity in the hands can get a little bit difficult," said Ryan Parker, a contestant with high hopes of winning the pumpkin carving contest.

Those hopes were crushed though when the first place prize went to a diver named Lee who used the pumpkin stem as a nose for his Jack O' Lantern