

Wellness Wednesday: Managing Holiday Stress


We'd like to think that the holidays bring out the joy in all of us, but while the festive spirit is in the air for some, many find the season stressful.

Dr. Daniel Meltzer, Executive Medical Director at Regence Blue Shield of Idaho says, "They can be full of family tension, of conflict, feelings of sorrow and loss, sort of dread of being asked what we're up to and what's going on in our lives. Even just shopping, entertaining, and cooking frankly can be stressful."

According to Dr. Meltzer, nearly 40% of people are more stressed during the holidays, and really about 60% of people living with mental illness feel that their conditions are worse during the season.

But recognizing that there might be a problem is key, followed by being realistic with yourself about holiday expectations.

Dr. Meltzer says, "I think just acknowledging our feelings, that it's normal to feel perhaps sad or withdrawn or even some grief if someone that is close to you is no longer with you for the holidays, and then just reaching out if you're feeling lonely or isolated, seeking community religious organizations that you may participate with. Friends or family members so that you do have a sense of inclusion."

Aside from that, don't forget to take a break for yourself, spend a little time outdoors, and take in some fresh air.