

West Ada schools will start the year remotely

and last updated

ADA COUNTY, Idaho — The West Ada School District Board of Trustees voted to start the school year on September 8 in Category Red with remote learning for the first week.

In the Board's approved plan, if the Central District Health moves the district to Category Yellow before September 8, the district will take a week and transition their school to an alternating day schedule.

After the first week of remote learning, the district will meet weekly to reassess reopening their schools.

The Board's plan also says that while in Category Red, teachers should welcome back their students in-person or in small groups to hand out devices, distribute learning materials and set up their students for remote learning.

"We have to have something concrete that teachers can plan for when they go back to work tomorrow," said West Ada School District Board of Trustee, Dr. Phillip Neuhoff. "At this point, I mean, you can bet on futures and say 'well, things may get better,' and I hope they do. I hope we are yellow on Monday, but we don't know that that is going to happen. What we know is that we are red now."

The Board of Trustees will meet next Tuesday to make a decision on fall sports competitions, but for now, they will just continue with practices. Central District Health will discuss the latest data and Category decision on September 1.