

"Who writes this stuff?" That's the question about a political mailer critical of the Idaho GOP

Anonymous mailer called the Idaho Bulletin appears in mailboxes just days before the GOP caucus. Is it legal? We ask the Secretary of State if it's legal.

BOISE — Mailer critical of the GOP arrives in mailboxes very close to the March 2 caucus. The mailer is anonymous and Take Back Idaho suggests the Secretary of State should look into its legality. That office tells Idaho News 6 the mailer is legal primarily because the caucus a private not public event.

  • Mailer Idaho Bulletin is critical of the GOP and totally anonymous.
  • Such mailers would be improper if distributed within 30 days of a primary according to the Secretary of State.
  • Because the GOP is holding a privately funded caucus, that 30 day rule does not apply and there is no requirement for transparency.

(Verbatim of story that aired is below)

The Idaho Bulletin looks like a mini newspaper of stories critical of the current GOP.

And the group Take Back Idaho says it’s been getting the blame.

"I got that thing too. It doesn’t speak for me." says Jim Jones with Take Back Idaho, "Take back Idaho got a lot of inquiries and it’s not us.”

Take Back Idaho is a political group that has been trying to move Idaho politics more to the center.

But it is transparent on its website of who is involved.

Jones says the bulletin is not and that’s a problem.

"You know when you put an anonymous thing like that out it raises suspicion I think it’s not appropriate and I’d like to see the Secretary of State take a look at it and see who’s trying to influence policy. “ said Jones.

So, I went to the Secretary of State to ask him if this bulletin is illegal.

"That kind of thing does have to have a disclaimer," said Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane, "but only in a certain window leading up to an election. That’s 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election.”

Notice he didn’t say Caucus. Because that’s a private party event and focused only on the presidential race So, there’s no requirement of transparency.

"What can you -presume from someone who does something political and doesn’t put their name on it? Unfortunately we see a lot of efforts of people to do that or not intentionally, so I think it’s a fair question to be asking.” said McGrane.

However, we all go to the polls May 21 for the state primary and if the bulletin is still circulating then…

"It could be an issue." said McGrane, "if we get an inquiry we’ll look into it but I can tell you at first blush it meets all the requirements as it stands right now.”

Jones says legal or not, it’s concerning.

“It could b e someone we’ll meaning but it could be someone who’s trying to mislead folks.”