

"Wreaths Across America"


People gathered this morning at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery... To honor members of the military who've served our country.  

Similar ceremonies like this one in Boise took place across the nation today.
It's part of an annual tradition called "Wreaths Across America."
After the formal observance... family members had the opportunity to place Christmas wreaths on their loved ones' graves.
The circular wreath is symbolic, and represents the importance of passing along American values to the youngest generation.

"The integrity, the excellence, the service before self ideas. It's important that we continue to carry those values on and pass those on to our youth today. And, I think that's the reason why we're here (today)," said Brig. Gen. Brad Richy.

In all, 2300 wreaths were placed on the veterans' graves.
The display of honor and respect is in its ninth year... which is only made possible through donations from the public.
Each year, approximately 600 veterans are buried at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery.