

Zamzows donates $50,000 to animals shelters for Betty White challenge


BOISE, Idaho — There are plenty of dogs and cats looking for a loving home in 2022, and once again the Treasure Valley community has come through big time.

Monday, co-CEO’s of Zamzows presented the Idaho Humane Society, Canyon County Pet Haven and Pet Adoption League in Emmett with individual checks, totaling $50,000 as part of a nationwide Betty White challenge.

Also included in the donation was $23,170.54 raised by 6,403 Zamzows customers during Zamzow’s “Support Your Local Shelter” Drive that took place in November and December. Zamzows then added on another $3,270 raised from "See Spot Walk" which increased the total to $49,611. Zamzow's then rounded up to $50,000.

Betty White who was an animal lover and advocate would have turned 100 today and the public was asked to donate five dollars to local animal shelters in the actor's name for her 100th birthday.

"Our public vet center has seen an uptick in animals needing care due to COVID-19. A lot of owners are finding themselves in financial situations that they haven't been in before or weren't expecting and so this money can definitely go towards helping them take care of those costs," Laurien Mavey with Idaho Humane Society said.

According to officials at Zamzow's, this was the most ever donated at one time to any charity.

“This is the most money we have ever donated at one time to any charity in the 89 years Zamzows has been in business! I am blown away and tremendously pleased by how much our customers stepped up to this challenge! All 3 of these shelters have been hurt the past two years due to COVID-19, and in many cases, have had to shut down their public operations, and cancel fundraisers and promotions due to COVID-19," Co-CEO of Zamzows Jos Zamzow said. These funds go a long way to making these organizations whole and restoring at least some of their much-needed funding to keep their vital operations going.”