STAR, IDAHO — After almost two years of working on some of the most high-profile and rarest cars in the world, Steven Thompson, AKA Detailkid is being invited to train and work on airplanes down in Houston.
- Steven got his car detailing certification at only 11 years old.
- He is known as the youngest car detailer in the world.
- Steven has traveled across the country working on many different famous cars or cars with famous owners.
- Steven is heading to Houston to train and be certified to detail aircraft.
- Steven is also teaming up with a British leather repair specialist in the spring to teach kids how to dye, and repair leather here in the Treasure Valley.
- For more information on Steven's past and future projects, you can follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, or go to his website here.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
Like a lot of kids, when I was 12 years old I was outside riding my bike and playing video games with my friends. But my friend Steven here is the world's youngest certified car detailer at just 13 years old. I'm your Star neighborhood reporter Alexander Huddleston and I met up with Steven as he detailed the mayor's car.
"You can't just go spray wipe. Spray wipe. It won't get the effectiveness that it needs," said Steven Thompson.

Detailing a car seems like too much of a chore for many.
"It's a pretty simple process," explained Steven.
But for Steven, it's just another day in the office.
"Yeah, it looks much better," finished the detailer.
Steven Thompson is the world's youngest certified car detailer, getting his certification at just eleven years old, and has since worked on celebrity cars, multi-million dollar cars, and even vehicles seen in movies.
Steven paused before saying, "My favorite project was Dominic Toretto's charger from Fast Five."
Steven says his passion sparked growing up in his father's own car detailing business.

Steve, Steven's father smiled and said, "He's always on my hip. He's always right there. He's always asking me questions."
"He just works so hard at work and I just wanted to go to work with him. Have fun with him. I think it's really cool what he does. I wanted to be more like my dad" said Steven when asked why he got certified.
Steve explained, "He is an anomaly. He just loves cars, anything to do with cars, it's so interesting it's not just detailing for him, he's so knowledgable."
That knowledge is only growing. On Thursday Steven is being flown out to Houston to learn a whole new skill set.
"The ADA is a program that trains detailers, to be qualified to work on an aircraft," explained Steve.

Steven is by far the youngest detailer invited to the event. But one of the coolest things about Steven… yes he gets cooler… is that he wants to share all of the skills he picks up with other kids.
"When kids meet him, it's like wow, that's exciting. He does that? He just engages with kids on a kid level. And for adults, it's a little harder for us. We set the bar so low. We say well you're a kid. when you're older. No. Like kids' brains are developing. Like we should be teaching them things," exclaimed Steve.