STAR, IDAHO — A pedestrian walkway is being designed for a stretch of Star Road from Hercules Drive to State Street, creating a safer walk for pedestrians and bike riders down the high-traffic area.
- The plan is still in its design phase.
- Currently, Star Road is a two-lane road with dirt shoulders on both sides.
- The plan shows:
- 10-foot wide walkway
- A crosswalk near Hercules
- A divider separates the road from the walkway.
- More information is found here.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
With Star consistently growing accommodations need to be met to support the new traffic. Whether that traffic is on foot or on wheels. I'm your Star neighborhood reporter Alexander Huddleston and behind me, there is not much of anything but soon ACHD plans to build a brand new pedestrian walkway from here all the way to State.
"Without my car, it would be too dangerous with the way it exists," said resident Sara Belmont.
Sara Belmont is a resident of the Celestial Village neighborhood off Star Road. She is extremely excited about the new pedestrian walking path ACHD is designing to stretch from Hercules Drive all the way down to State.

Belmont went on saying, "Because I have been wanting that for the past few years as traffic has started to increase as well as the speeds of the traffic."
Currently, there is just a dirt shoulder on either side of Star Road. However, the plans ACHD is designing will include a 10-foot wide walkway with a crosswalk near the turn-in for Belmont’s neighborhood. As well as a curb separating it from the roadway.
"The protective walkway? I think it is absolutely necessary for children. For elderly people. As well as anybody," exclaimed Belmont.

Belmont suffers from multi-focal osteonecrosis which limits her ability to walk long distances.
"At times have to use a wheelchair and I also home school, so having my children with me to go into town, to go to the library," continued Belmont.
Belmont explains that this designated walkway is a dire need.
"Because there isn't a designated area that's meant for pedestrians on Star Road, there is absolutely no way possible, once it's been plowed to not walk on the road," finished the resident.