

A breeze ushers in a slight break in the heat for the 4th


Hot weather continued on Sunday with temperatures again in the mid-90s in the valleys. I expect a warm late evening and mild overnight again with lows in the low-60s.

Sunshine returns on Monday but an approaching cold front from the northwest will kick up our breeze as the day progresses. You can expect low-90s in the valleys and 77-84 in the mountains with those gust late-day winds.

On Tuesday, the 4th of July, the temperature will drop a few more degrees with the passage of a cold front early in the morning. Valley temps will be 87-90 and the mountains 74-80 with breezy conditions. Also, smoke from Canadian wildfires will be back to make it quite hazy.

Temperatures will slowly climb back into the mid-890s in the valley by Thursday lasting through the upcoming weekend. I do not expect any precipitation this week.

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