

A cooler Friday leads to hotter weekend temperatures

Low 90s are likely on Friday because of cloud cover the back to near 100 on Sunday.

Friday will start out quite warm in the morning with a humid feel to the air and a bit less smoke than the past two days. There could even be a brief l right shower in the morning then a mix of clouds and only limited sunshine through the rest of the day. High temps in the valley will hold in the low 90s. Isolated storms could pop up in the evening.

It looks like a good start to the Western Idaho Fair on Sunday with the drop in temperatures.

Saturday will be sunnier but mountain showers & storms will pop up. Boise should hit the mid-90s.

Sunday will be sunny and hotter with another 100-degree day possible in Boise.

If you are planning on boating the weekend Sunday looks the clearest followed by Saturday but there may be some storms popping up around those mountain lakes so just be aware.