

After a cool weekend, heat is returning to the Gem State

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IDAHO — Our cold front has moved its way east and warmer weather is coming this Labor Day, but not before a bit of a temperature roller coaster.

Temperatures will rise quickly into the 90s Tuesday. A low pressure ridge brings in 70s the day after. The climb back to 90s starts after that with labor day weekend sticking to low 90° ranges all three days.

Wildifre smoke lingers in the central parts of the state, moving slowly towards Montana. The cool down over the weekend along with light precipitation through the western central mountains helped with fire activity in the state, but the Wapiti, Snag, Bulldog, and Nellie incidents are still at low containment levels.

RELATED: Snag Fire growth slows, Warm Lake Highway opens to residents

Hopefully we return to moderate heat but this weekend will be perfect for fun out in the sun over the holiday weekend.