

Bundle up! Another cold day on track for the region


It's super cold out today!

Wind chill values this morning dipping the region into "feels like' temps in the teens, single digits, and below 0 levels.

Wind Chill Values January 2th

When it's like this outside, the body will lose its heat much faster, so it's important to limit time outdoors and wear LOTS of layers covering exposed skin.

Temps don't even warm up that much today - barely above freezing in many areas. Check out Tuesday's Treasure Valley Day Planner:

Treasure Valley Day Planner

We could see some isolated snow showers in the central mountains this evening, especially towards the eastern edge of Idaho...however don't expect of a ton of action with these conditions. They will mostly appear as short term snow flurries and don't carry a lot of moisture.

Other than that we are seeing partly cloudy skies today throughout Idaho and eastern Oregon.

Tomorrow morning we could see some foggy conditions develop for your Wednesday commute to work.