Nice and clear conditions hold on over the weekend but a shakeup is on the way to start next week so make sure you have a rain jacket.
Wet Weather On the Way
I hope you enjoyed the cool and clear Thursday we had. We see similar weather going into the weekend with a slight warm up. 40's turn into 50's and clear skies will continue but the Veteran's day holiday will bring rain.
80% chance of storms followed by a slight drop in temperatures is expected. We will hover around the upper 40's and low 50's with cool nigths into the 30's.
We are tracking some snow to come over the next few weeks in our mountain ranges which is good for you skiers and snowboarders. Brundage and Tamarack are both looking to half a foot and a half at least. Most other resorts like Sun Valley, Bogus, Pomerelle and others look to stay under 10 inches. These numbers are forecasted through November 16th.
Make sure to stay warm and enjoy this phenomenal shot from Sun Valley we saw Thursday.