

It's not the heat, it's the humidity... at least for the east

and last updated

Hope you have been enjoying the break from the heat we had last week. Check out the high and low temperatures back to the 19th of July:

19th 101 60
20th 102 72
21st 105 70
22nd 103 70
23rd 101 70
24th 97 78* record warm morning
25th 93 65
26th 94 62

93 is the normal high for this time of year so this has been refreshing after five days in a row of 100+ heat. Boise has recorded eight days of 100 or above for July and for the season. Also, check out how much cooler it has been the last couple of mornings after a record high low temperature on the morning of the 24th. This is making for some more comfortable days.

I am keeping an eye on the weather pattern... an area of very hot high pressure continues to dominate to the southeast of Idaho and a cooler low-pressure system continues over the Pacific northwest coast. We will continue to be in the middle of these two systems keeping us at or just above normal through Friday.

On Saturday we could see a push of some of the hotter air to the north making Boise's high temp rise into the mid to upper 90s.

Checking out the long-range forecast I see a few chances of afternoon thunderstorms over the next 16 days. I will keep an eye on this and the threat of dry lighting and new fire starts.

Stay connected right here and to my Facebook Page for updates to my weekend forecast!