

Triple-digit heat this week, but what about the weekend?

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Temperatures approached the century mark on Monday afternoon and the heat continues to build to the west as many areas in Washington and Oregon likely experience their hottest weather of the year so far.

The high-pressure ridge continues to expand inland on Monday and Tuesday. Temperatures will climb to 99-104° in the Treasure Valley, 95-100° in the Magic Valley, and 87-92° in higher elevations. A Heat Advisory is in effect starting at noon on Tuesday and lasting through 9:00 PM on Wednesday. This includes the Treasure Valley, eastern Oregon,

and portions of the Upper Weiser River basin. There won't be much relief during the overnight hours as temperatures remain above 70 degrees in the Treasure Valley.

As many students head back to school in the oppressive heat, it is important to be sure kids are keeping safe. Make sure they have plenty of water to stay hydrated and have them avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks. Have them wear light-colored and breathable clothing. Kids tend to lose more fluid than adults and sometimes have a harder time gauging when they need to slow down or drink fluids.

CPC 8-14 Day Outlook

Towards the end of the week, the high-pressure ridge begins to expand further east. Temperatures will remain hot, but gradually cool off into next weekend. Upper-level, southerly flow on the west side of the ridge will transport some monsoonal moisture into the region. The chance for showers and thunderstorms increases Friday and into the following weekend, especially for mountain locations.