

If you like the rain and cool weather, more of it is on the way next week

Posted 4:31 AM, Sep 13, 2024

The chilliest day of the week was Thursday with a stunning Friday and weekend ahead, but don't get to comfortable as more rain and cool weather is on the way.

The low pressure trough we have been tracking finally passed and is over the Montana region with a short break over the next few days. The start of the work week will bring more thunderstorms and cool weather to Idaho followed by another system just after that.

With the rain that passed over on Wednesday, smoke activity decreased significantly meaning the precipitation brought some much needed relief wildfires here in the Gem state.

There is a chance of a warm up at the start of next weekend which is a ways out but do expect more rain and cool weather to be the norm for the next week.

Enjoy this weekend first though. Gorgeous conditions are expected.