

Last day of Summer will look very similar to the first day of Fall


We are day four in a row of amazing weather and more of it continues through the start of Fall. There is a heat up on the way so do prepare for warmer weather around mid week.

Wednesday up to the weekend has been nearly identical with temperatures and dry conditions consistent and more of it is on the way. The first day of fall will have more 70's and gorgeous skies ahead. The start of the week will be much of the same.

Around the middle of this coming week, we will see temperatures warming into the upper 80's with a chance of getting into the 90's. Even though Fall will start Sunday, the Summer weather is following. Expect a drop just after that though back into mild weather going into next weekend.

I hope you enjoy your weekend as we close out one of the warmest summers on record. Cool Fall weather should arrive soon with the changing seasons.