

looking ahead to a scorching hot weekend. Here is my latest forecast

and last updated

Sunshine continues on Thursday with a drop in temperatures to the lower-90s in the valley and near 80 in McCall. I expect a breeze of 10-18 mph in the valley.

On Friday temperatures are back on the rise with mid-90s again in the Boise area and low 80s in McCall. Sunshine and dry conditions will continue.

Over the weekend sunshine continues but a building ridge of high pressure from the south will increase our temperature to near 100 on Saturday and possible 106 on Sunday! In the mountains you can expect mid-90s in Idaho City and near 90 in McCall by Sunday.

The good news is temperatures will come back down fairly quickly, dropping to the low-90s in the valley by Tuesday.

Stay connected right here and to my Facebook Page for updates to my weekend forecast!