

October-like weather with high-elevation snow

and last updated

Temperatures have fallen to below normal and will continue to fall into Thursday. Sunshine has dominated Wednesday but cloud cover will push into the central Idaho Wednesday night. Wind will increase Wednesday evening with gusts over 30 mph likely in the valley for several hours before subsiding Wednesday night.

A storm pushing south through eastern Oregon will cool temperatures dramatically. Highs Thursday will struggle to get out of the 50s, even for valley locations. In many spots it will be the coolest afternoon since mid-June.

A gusty northwest breeze will lead to a crisp, Fall feel for the final two days of summer. Morning temperatures dip into the 20s and 30s in higher elevations, and low to mid 40s in valleys. Most areas in the valleys should still be too warm for frost to form. Snow levels drop to around 7000 feet in the central mountains, and 5500 feet in eastern Oregon. An inch or two on accumulation is possible on higher peaks.

I am not expecting the Treasure Valley to get much precipitation at all as this storms moves from Oregon across extreme southern Idaho and into Wyoming by Friday night.

High elevation snowfall

Fall officially starts this weekend as the Autumnal Equinox is on Saturday at 12:49am. Fantastic fall weather is expected with skies clearing and temperatures warming throughout the weekend. Highs will reach the 60s in higher elevations and 70s in the valleys.

Boise 7-day