

Record warmth will give way to cold & snow. Here is what you need to know.

and last updated

Boise touch a record warm 60 degrees on Tuesday as warm winds have been transporting mild air from the southwest US.

Wednesday will be another unseasonably mild day with valley temperatures once again making it into the 50s!. Clouds will be on the increase, however, with rain showers likely in Boise during or just after the evening commute. Snow levels remaining quite high at or above 6000 ft on Wednesday afternoon but will lower to 4000 ft - 5000 ft by Thursday morning with McCall potentially seeing another one or two inches of snow by late Thursday.

The colder temperatures for the mountains will stick around for a while bringing snow with all storms starting Thursday.

The best chance for the Treasure Valley to see snow sticking will be Saturday evening but it may change to rain again.

Please stay connected right here and to my Facebook Page for updates on our changing weather for Idaho this weekend!