

Find out what weekend weather changes we experience from a Friday cold front

Seventeen-degree temperatures drop Friday
and last updated

A cold front will cross the valley early Friday morning bringing gusty northwest wind gusts of 25-33 mph and a big drop in temperature only in the upper 60s for Friday. Sunshine will continue but it will be breezy & much cooler.

Saturday looks like a spectacular day with lighter wind and temperatures in the mid-70s. The central mountains will see temps of 60° to 64° then even cooler by Sunday into the mid-50s. Despite a lot of sunshine, it will be quite cool in the central mountains.

The Treasure Valley will be cooler as well on Sunday with a breeze once again and mostly sunny skies. The afternoon high will dip back into the mid-60s.

Next week should continue to be cooler than normal with sunshine and highs starting in the 70s then falling into the low 60s with a chance of showers by late Tuesday and Wednesday.

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