

Got weekend plans? Here is my updated forecast!

and last updated

Conditions will be spectacular in the higher elevations this weekend as temperatures hover in the 80s while the valley sees low to mid-90s

The western U.S. is looking at another wave of hot weather as a ridge of high pressure builds. Our temps will be close to normal over the weekend and then soar to over 100 early next week.

Sunshine has dominated Friday but a few clouds will cross over the central mountains Saturday morning but then fade away later in the day.

The higher elevations will have temperatures in the mid-80s over the weekend making it very nice for outdoor activities like camping and boating.

An unseasonably strong ridge of high pressure will build across the northwest sending temperatures soaring. Portland, Oregon will top 100 degree by early next week with Medford, Or around 106. Boise will come close to if not top 100 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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