

Windy day ahead with varied light precipitation


Storms persist mostly offshore of the west coast today, but waves of tropical moisture are still making their way inland towards Idaho.

As a result, we're seeing windy conditions this morning - particularly in eastern Oregon, Owyhee County and the SW I-84 corridor in Idaho. For example 19 mph wind at 6:30 AM at Caldwell. The wind will continue in SW Idaho and Eastern Oregon through the afternoon, eventually dying down tonight to normal levels.

Precipitation isn't super widespread this morning but we could see off-an-on drizzles in the region with snow falling at around 3500 feet. As we warm up today, that snow will move up to around 5000 ft. We're anticipating a few inches of fresh snow by Friday due to the incoming moisture.

Temps today are a few degrees above normal hanging in the mid-40s in the Treasure Valley. Long Valley area will see colder temps in the 30s.

40-degree weather is set to continue over the next 10 days and more precipitation is expected this weekend and next week.