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Here are the Democratic candidates for District 15 State Representative seat B

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WEST BOISE, Idaho — The primary elections are drawing close and Democratic candidates Shari Baber and Ivan Hurldburt are looking to make a run for state Representative seat B in District 15.

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

"We are all Americans with one resolve and one goal and that is to make Idaho united again," said Ivan Hurlburt, seat B candidate.

"Idaho has nurtured, me raised me, cared for me, gave me a place, gave me a voice, gave my children a home," said Shari Baber, seat B candidate.

Candidates Shari Baber and Ivan Hurlburt love Idaho and want to be a part of where some of its most important decisions are made so I spoke to them about topics they find most important like education.

"I would like to see, is some of the funding in education to stay public education," said Baber.

"It's our constitutional responsibility as a legislature to fund the schools," said Hurlburt.

Housing and growth are topics that Hurlburt cares a lot about and he wants to see bad development stop.

"Right now it seems that it's the Wild West for developers and they seem to be building and doing and rezoning wherever they want to," said Hurlburt.

I don't want that, Republicans don't want that, Democrats don't want that, people who just moved here don't want that, people who've lived here for generations don't want," said Hurlburt.

Baber hopes to make it easier for first-time home buyers and create medical options for people who don't make enough to have medical insurance but too much to qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.

"I'm super passionate about finding the medical programs like a medical internship program, a program that catches those people that fall in the middle, same thing with housing, I would like to see some kind of first-time home buyers' program that teaches our people that are 30, between the ages of like 25 and 35, how to prepare to buy a house," said Baber.